Here are the documents provided from the noLimits website as of 4/4/2017, please check their website as well to make sure these are up to date.
You MUST complete the Product registration in order to receive ticket protection.
PDF File 1: Register your NP1
PDF File 2: Request for reimbursement.
Terms and conditions:
When you purchased your noPhoto Camera Jammer from an authorized Voxx Electronics dealer, you purchased complete protection. If you receive an automated traffic camera ticket from a speed or red light camera within the first year of purchase. We will reimburse you for it subject to the below conditions: 1. To request reimbursement, you must mail or email: (a) a completed copy of the noPhoto Ticket Reimbursement form which is available by visiting and (b) a copy of your speed or red light camera ticket, which must clearly show that the ticket was received for a speed or red light camera violation and that the noPhoto is visibly installed on the registered vehicle with no obstructions to prevent the noPhoto from operating correctly and (c) proof of ticket payment (ex: copy of online payment confirmation page or court receipt). Mailing Address: noLimits Enterprises, PO Box 598, Independence, KY 41051 Email Address: 2. Reimbursement is only available for speed and red light camera violations received by the registered purchaser of the noPhoto, and shall only apply to speed and red light camera violations that occur during the 1st year of ownership from your noPhoto date of purchase. 3. Any Ticket Free Guarantee submission where the noPhoto is found to have visible obstructions that prevent the noPhoto from operating such as dirt on the sensors or flash window, or improper installation, will render the submission inadmissible. 4. The Limited Guarantee expressly excludes tickets issued for or in conjunction with any one or more of the following traffic violations – reckless driving, racing, driving while under the influence (DUI) or driving while intoxicated (DWI) or similar violations under relevant federal, state, or local laws. 5. This Limited Guarantee does not provide reimbursement for attorney fees, late fees, court costs, accident costs, increased insurance premiums, or fees and penalties other than the statutorily mandated fine or penalty for Red Light and Speed Camera tickets. 6. This Limited Guarantee is only valid in the United States and Latin American Territories. 7. The registered applicant for reimbursement must be 18 or older and a licensed driver. 8. The Ticket Free Reimbursement Guarantee is limited to a maximum of 2 red light or speed camera tickets per purchased noPhoto. In the event that the noPhoto device does not operate correctly under the guidelines above, leading to a ticketed camera violation, replacement of the noPhoto device should be sought immediately. Once replaced, your noPhoto will still be covered for one more Red Light/ Speed Camera ticket violation within the first year of original purchase. 9. The ticket free guarantee is not applicable for violations received in jurisdictions where the noPhoto device may be illegal for use.